

Legal form:
The Thi­lo Keh­rer Foun­da­ti­on — TER­IM­BE­RE is a non-legal foun­da­ti­on and is run by the umbrel­la foun­da­ti­on ”Crea­ting a future tog­e­ther — an initia­ti­ve of your Kreis­spar­kas­se Tübin­gen”, a legal foun­da­ti­on under civil law based in Tübin­gen, as Trus­tee mana­ged; In this respect, the umbrel­la foun­da­ti­on is “Crea­ting the future tog­e­ther — an initia­ti­ve of your Kreis­spar­kas­se Tübin­gen” legal entity.


Loca­ti­on of the Foundation:
Thi­lo Keh­rer Stif­tung — TERIMBERE
c/​o Gemein­sam Zukunft stif­ten — eine Initia­ti­ve Ihrer Kreis­spar­kas­se Tübingen
Mühlbachäckerstraße 2
72072 Tübingen

Cont­act Person:
Armin Kehrer


Cont­act Details:


Com­po­si­ti­on of the foun­da­ti­on board:
Thi­lo Keh­rer, Chairman
Armin Keh­rer, Depu­ty Chairman
Jean­ne Keh­rer, Member