United for Burundi

The Thi­lo Keh­rer Foundation

The foundation
[Ter­im­be­re]: Term in Burun­di for the start of a bet­ter future.
Thilo Kehrer Foundation
Thilo Kehrer Foundation
Brin­ging ide­as to frui­ti­on with the Burun­di­ans: the mis­si­on of the Thi­lo Keh­rer Center.

I am plea­sed to share with you the major mile­sto­nes of this beau­tiful pro­ject that came to life a year ago.

This cen­ter sym­bo­li­zes the ten­aci­ty of an enti­re nati­on working tire­less­ly every day for the youth of Burundi.

Let’s take a visu­al jour­ney back over a year of actions made pos­si­ble by your donations.



“Our actions for 2024 will focus on training.”

Thanks to you, the Thi­lo Keh­rer Cen­ter has come to life, and we con­ti­nue to fuel it with impactful actions plan­ned for the coming year. Now more than ever, your dona­ti­ons are cru­cial to sup­port us.


Thilo Kehrer Foundation
Burun­di Peace Mara­thon — Focu­sed run­ner at the marathon
Thilo Kehrer Foundation
Burun­di Peace Mara­thon — 2 Kids play­ing in the new soc­cer playground
I want to help
Burun­di­ans be
able to take back
con­trol of their own lives.”