con­tri­bu­ti­on counts.
Even the
litt­le ones.

All con­tri­bu­ti­ons go direct­ly to the Thi­lo Keh­rer Foun­da­ti­on based in Tübin­gen. Every litt­le con­tri­bu­ti­on helps child­ren and young peo­p­le in Burun­di to make their dreams come true.

Plea­se remem­ber to use your email and your name as the pur­po­se of the donation.

Account details:

Thi­lo Keh­rer Stif­tung — TERIMBERE
Kreis­spar­kas­se Tübingen
IBAN: DE50 6415 0020 0005 5568 58

Dona­ti­ons over 200 euros must be pro­ven by a dona­ti­on receipt / dona­ti­on con­fir­ma­ti­on to be issued by the reci­pi­ent of the dona­ti­on. From a dona­ti­on amount of 200 euros, we will auto­ma­ti­cal­ly send you a sepa­ra­te dona­ti­on receipt for the tax office and con­firm that your dona­ti­on will be used for tax-pri­vi­le­ged pur­po­ses within the mea­ning of §§ 51ff AO. So plea­se remem­ber to include your address on the trans­fer slip in this case.

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