So beau­tiful and yet so poor

A small coun­try with big problems.

the heart of Africa.
One of the poo­rest count­ries in the world.

Burun­di is loca­ted bet­ween Tan­z­a­nia, Con­go and Rwan­da. Becau­se of its cen­tral loca­ti­on in the con­ti­nent and the shape of the coun­try, it is also cal­led the ‘heart of Afri­ca’. Howe­ver, the land­lo­cked sta­te has to con­t­end with many problems.

The coun­try endu­red civil war for more than ten years, in which more than 300,000 peo­p­le fell vic­tim. Burun­di has still not reco­ver­ed from the con­se­quen­ces. Poli­ti­cal ten­si­on, ter­ror, mal­nu­tri­ti­on, poor medi­cal care and an extre­me­ly high popu­la­ti­on den­si­ty cha­rac­te­ri­se this small coun­try, whe­re two-thirds of all inha­bi­tants live below the pover­ty line.

In 2016 Burun­di was offi­ci­al­ly clas­si­fied as the poo­rest nati­on on earth. Young peo­p­le and child­ren are at the big­gest dis­ad­van­ta­ge in the­se dif­fi­cult con­di­ti­ons. The coun­try is curr­ent­ly at a cross­roads. Whe­re will it lead to? Burundi’s deve­lo­p­ment will have a major effect on the who­le of Afri­ca. That’s becau­se the coun­try acts as a com­pass for the enti­re sta­bi­li­ty of the con­ti­nent. With a dona­ti­on, you can help to shape the future of the heart of Africa.


